Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management (IEAM) is published quarterly by the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC). IEAM aims to be the premier scientific journal for presenting new information, promoting dialogue, and fostering new methods for the analysis of ecological, chemical, engineering, physical, and social science research applied to the advancement of environmental management strategies, policy and regulation, and problem solving.Enjoy an entirely new browsing and reading experience, and keep up to date with important developments even faster:- Stay current with the latest articles through Early View- Receive alerts when new issues are available (opt in)- Download articles and issues for offline perusal- Save your favorite articles for quick and easy access, including offline- Browse issues before you decide to download them
Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management (IEAM) is published quarterly by the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC). The journal is devoted to bridging the gap between scientific research and the application of science in decision making, policy and regulation, and environmental management. IEAM aims to be the premier scientific journal for presenting new information, promoting dialogue, and fostering new methods for the analysis of ecological, chemical, engineering, physical, and social science research applied to the advancement of environmental management strategies and problem solving. The journal holds a unique position in the peer-reviewed literature, focusing on continually evolving collaborations by offering perspectives from diverse disciplines and a variety of stakeholders.
Editor-in-Chief: Richard J. Wenning